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Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


On The Road With Uninsured Motorists

On The Road With Uninsured Motorists

A car accident is a shocking event, even when damages are minimal and there are no serious injuries. But at least the insurance company should pay for your vehicle repairs – if you have the right policy. Thankfully, we know car insurance and we want to help you get the coverage that's best for you before you need it. When the Accident Wasn't Your Fault...

The Value Of Employee Sick Days For Business Owners

The Value Of Employee Sick Days For Business Owners

While it can be easy to see how sick days would be beneficial to your employees, they are equally valuable to you as an employer. Taking a day or two off from work affects immediate productivity, but the consequences of employees "toughing it out" and coming to work sick are far greater.  Coming to Work Sick: Why Not to Do It When there's a lot to be accomplished...

Show The One You Love That You Really Care

Show The One You Love That You Really Care

Valentine's Day often conjures up images of hearts, flowers, and chocolates. But you can show the one you love that you care every day of the year by ensuring that you have a life insurance policy. Your loved one will appreciate that you took the time to put this protection in place should an unexpected accident or illness occur. Life insurance provides your loved one...